Phenomenon MMXII
Steel Sculptures for this new year
A group of sculptures based on the ideas and concepts of time ending and rebirth in the year 2012.

My inspiration comes from the freedom and flow of dance and thecomposition and rhythm of music. Many musicians today speak ofcurrent events. I listened to these artists as i thought about andmade these pieces: Jay Z, Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, and LupeFiasco to name a few. 


I have read the book of Revelation in the Bible with prophecies of the end times and the second coming of Christ.      That is why I created an angel, seven stars, and a trumpet.
View from head-on

The clock, symbol of the mayan zero, and bottle represent the essence of time and what we do with it. Ancient Mayans had a huge celebration when they made it to the end of a whole cycle just like we do every new year.
View from the right
  Mayan Zero
Seven Stars

The galactical alignment is a end date tied to astronomical phenomena that will happen when the stars align. This also relates to the stars like shapes and the Seven Stars.

The diamond/triangle shape hints at the idea of new world order and the illuminati.
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